March/April 2018
A Thousand More Beds
The fight for shelter beds in Canada’s largest city. Writing letters to LGBTQ2S prisoners. The Punch Up Collective on building strong movements. The Wobbly Print Project talks radical art in the labour movement. The Honduran election crisis. The lawsuit facing opponents of the Site C dam. Winners of our Writing in the Margins contest, reviews, and more.
Inside This Issue
Collective Power in Momentous Struggles
Pen Pal Solidarity
Getting It Together
A Thousand More Beds
The Honduran Election Crisis
Silencing Opposition of the Site C Dam
Geography Lessons
The McGill Experiments
INSURGENCE/RESURGENCE at the Winnipeg Art Gallery
Sexual Violence at Canadian Universities: Activism, Institutional Responses, and Strategies for Change
We Won’t Back Down
The Wobbly Print Project