July/August 2016
Organizing Wisdom
Why should social movements learn from experts? Assisted dying legislation and the disability rights. Pinkwashing Israeli and Canadian occupation. Building sustainable social movements for the long haul. An autoethnography of an eating disorder treatment that ignored the identity of a trans patient. How can libraries and archives be leveraged for continuous movement building? An architect’s prison abolition work. How does unlearning reproduce white supremacy? Plus book reviews!
Inside This Issue
Abolition Architecture
Why the Left Needs Experts
You Know Something I Don’t Know
Safeguarding Against Abuse
Pinkwashing Settler Colonialism
For the Long Haul
Body Non-Compliance
Access to Information
Dying from Improvement: Inquests and Inquiries into Indigenous Deaths in Custody
The Relevance of Islamic Identity in Canada: Culture, Politics, and Self
Learning to Unlearn