September/October 2021
The Prison Abolition Issue
In our special Prison Abolition Issue, we asked prisoners across Canada and the U.S. to reflect on the question, "Can you imagine a world without prisons?" They write about surviving COVID outbreaks; unequal treatment of women and men inside; prisons as a tool of colonialism; the war on drugs and coercive drug treatment programs; what it would take to heal intergenerational trauma; participating in hunger strikes and prisoners' committees; and fighting to abolish prisons from inside them.
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Inside This Issue
How the Prison Abolition Issue came to be
Evidence of an unjust justice system
Fed up with being locked down
Prisons are built on our backs
Criminal code is the new buffalo
On Therapeutic Community
Death by a thousand cuts: Aging in Canadian prisons
Two poems from prison
Why choose to live?
Guilty until proven innocent
Abuse of authority
COVID and sexism in a women’s prison
Healed people heal people
Cosmetic change is not prison reform
One less prison to be torn down
What does freedom feel like?