May/June 2019
The Just Transition Issue
How do we transition to a low-carbon future, in a way that’s just for Indigenous peoples and workers? This issue is both a vision and a plan.
With articles by Ananda Lee Tan on the history of the just transition movement; Emily Riddle on what “giving land back” really means; a roundtable with Heather Milton-Lightening, Kali Akuno, Mostafa Henaway, Hayley Zacks, and Jamie Kirkpatrick; case studies from the Wet’suwet’en nation’s reoccupation of territory to the Imagining 2030 Network in Nova Scotia; Syed Hussan on unbordering the transition; Yves-Marie Abraham on the degrowth movement in Quebec; and more.
Inside This Issue
Just transition: a vision and a plan
Just transition means returning Indigenous land – but that might look different than you think
Bending the arc of movement history toward a just transition
What’s in a just transition?
“We need to begin protecting all of our territories”
Bridging the gap with Saskatchewan’s coal communities
This is what Indigenous energy sovereignty looks like
Decentralizing climate justice in Halifax
Tarsands vs. treaty
Transition and resistance in the Global South
Qu’est-ce que la décroissance?
Degrowth vs. the Green New Deal
Confronting economic barriers to a just transition
How will we pay for a just transition?
The climate crisis calls for a planetary politics
“We can only glimpse our future reflected in our past”