July/August 2015
With features on post-wave feminism, Daniel Ortega and Nicaragua’s interoceanic grand canal, the struggle for abortion access today, the Klabona Keepers’ direct action to protect their Sacred Headwaters from mining firms, protecting the bees from neonicotinoid insecticides in Ontario and beyond, a dispatch on Quebec’s Printemps 2015 movement for economic and environmental justice, why a new on-reserve high school matters for Wet’suwet’en youth, and the need for leftists to create a new common sense. Plus book reviews and more!
Inside This Issue
The gendered labour of social movements
“To Take the Land Away From the Children”
Feminism Beyond the Waves
Daniel Ortega and the Interoceanic Grand Canal
The Struggle for Access to Abortion Today
Quebec’s Movement for Economic and Environmental Justice
A New School for Wet’suwet’en Youth
The Plight of the Pollinators
Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements
Drug War Capitalism
Toward a New Common Sense