September/October 2020
The Land Back Issue
In our special 60-page Land Back issue, we address how to return land in so-called Canada to Indigenous Peoples, and encourage the flourishing of Indigenous laws, life, and governance on those territories. Inside, you'll find a timeline of 100 years of land struggle; essays on overlapping Indigenous jurisdiction, sex work, Land Back in the city, protecting Black and Indigenous trans women, and land as a social relationship; a round-table discussion with Indigenous women hunters; an investigation into the Canadian government's efforts to circumvent the Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs' consent; and visionary fiction about decolonizing Wood Buffalo National Park.
Inside This Issue
“Land Back” is more than the sum of its parts
“I have the inalienable right to protect this land”
What is Land Back? A Settler FAQ
100 years of land struggle
Land as a social relationship
Four case studies of Land Back in action
Back 2 the Land: 2Land 2Furious
Reconnecting to the spirit of the language
Becoming intimate with the land
Sexual sovereignty
This Prairie city is land, too
Land Back means protecting Black and Indigenous trans women
Whose land is it, anyways?
Manufacturing Wet’suwet’en consent
To Wood Buffalo National Park, with love
Sustainer profile #64: Eden Robinson