Become a Briarpatch monthly sustainer this fall

We were fortunate to double our staff this summer when we won a Magazines Canada fellowship and received funding from Canada Summer Jobs. Left to right: Laura Stewart (Magazines Canada Grands Prix Fellow), Tanya Andrusieczko (Editor), David Gray-Donald (Publisher), Savannah Kosteniuk (Publishing Assistant).

Dear Reader,

Publishing a magazine for almost 45 years is no easy task, especially when that magazine is Briarpatch and it persistently pushes against the dominant currents of Canadian politics and culture. But we’ve kept at it, with affordable subscription prices and free online articles delivering important interventions like this summer’s Canada 150 Confronted issue and our brand new labour issue.

This fall, we’re asking for your help to keep going. We’re calling on you to join over 200 Briarpatch readers who are our monthly sustainers.

Sustainers are Briarpatch readers who make the automatic monthly donations we rely on in order to increase our contributor payments, reach more readers, and build staff capacity that reduces burnout and turnover. You may already be familiar with our sustainers: we profile an individual sustainer and print a list of their names near the back of every issue.

Briarpatch publishes the principled, fact-checked journalism amplifying marginalized voices that is so urgent in these times. But far from expanding our operations, we’re still barely scraping by month to month. So we’re asking 100 readers this fall to become sustainers in order to help us build a stable foundation from which we can grow.

Will you commit today to become one of the 100 sustainers who will empower Briarpatch to plan for the long-term and produce an even better magazine for years to come?

By contributing an amount every month – from $5 to $100 – sustainers automatically receive an ongoing subscription to Briarpatch, and as an added bonus, you can send a one-year subscription to a lucky friend!

Click here to become a sustainer, or call us toll-free at 1-866-431-5777.

If you aren’t in a position to become a sustainer, you can still help by making a one-time donation or by extending your subscription. One-time donations and subscriptions remain essential to our operations.

Briarpatch’s funding has faced dramatic cuts through the years. Governments have pulled our funding and stripped our charitable status when we published truthful, challenging stories, like those that unearthed the effects of toxic uranium mining on Indigenous lands in Northern Saskatchewan.

The Briarpatch community has always supported us when we’ve been pushed into precarious positions. But the truth is, predictable monthly income gives us the stability we urgently need.

If you are able to make a monthly donation, you can set up credit card payments using our easy online system, or you can send us a void cheque to the address below to set up automatic debits from your bank or credit union. Either way, you’ll be giving Briarpatch a much-needed stable foundation.

This is a crucial moment for the left and for Briarpatch. We can’t be hanging on by a thread – we need to be ready to fight. Please take a moment right now to show your support for Briarpatch.

Yours in struggle,

David Gray-Donald

Tanya Andrusieczko

For automatic debits, please send a note specifying the monthly amount along with a void cheque to:

Briarpatch Magazine
2138 McIntyre St
Regina, SK
S4P 2R7