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- Open for business –Afghanistan, and the surrounding region, has been in the crosshairs of imperial expansionists for centuries. In 1600, Queen Elizabeth I set the East India Company on its march northward through India. This expansion of the British empire was confronted in Afghanistan in the early 19th century by the southward expansion…
- Order #880 –Order #880
- Letter from the editor –While the Conservative government continues to fortify our borders and tighten restrictions on immigration, our culpability in the unprecedented levels of migration worldwide has never been clearer. From Canadian mining companies in Latin America to the occupation of Afghanistan, our overseas adventures continue to violently dispossess people around the globe.
- Turning the tide –The Conservatives won a majority in the recent federal election with a very simple core message. On the basis of their economic agenda and tough-on-crime program, Stephen Harper presented his party as the safe choice in difficult times.
- Cairns, James –James Cairns teaches in the contemporary studies program at Wilfrid Laurier University in Brantford, ON, and is a member of the Toronto New Socialists.
- Tamil, tiger, terrorist? –In August 2010, the MV Sun Sea arrived in Vancouver carrying 492 Tamil refugees fleeing post-war Sri Lanka. All on board were immediately detained upon arrival in Canada. Nearly a year later, 19 are still in jail.
- Sears, Alan –Alan Sears is a writer and activist who teaches sociology at Ryerson. He is an editorial associate of New Socialist webzine and the co-author (with James Cairms) of The Democratic Imagination: Envisioning Popular Power in the Twenty-First Century (University of Toronto Press). His new book is The Next New Left:…
- Order #871 –Order #871
- Skinner, Michael –Michael Skinner is a musician, composer, and human rights activist. For a decade he was a National Education Facilitator for the Canadian Union of Postal Workers. Since 2006, he has been a researcher at the York Centre for International and Security Studies at York University Toronto.
- Cader, Fathima –Fathima Cader is a writer and student at law.
- Ball, David P. –David P. Ball is a photojournalist living in Vancouver B.C., on Coast Salish territory. He lived in Lebanon during the 2006 war.
- Kulchyski, Peter –Peter Kulchyski is a professor of Native studies at the University of Manitoba and an Aboriginal rights activist with the Winnipeg Indigenous People’s Solidarity Movement. He has written and edited numerous books and both scholarly and popular articles.
- In defence of a Muslim takeover –As the last 10 years have made painstakingly evident, imperial interventions in the Middle East and Pakistan have relied heavily on the conflation of the figure of the Muslim, the immigrant/outsider, and the terrorist within mainstream discourse. It is within this context that many have begun raising alarm over the…
- Lebanon rising –Farah Koubaissy lifts a megaphone to the cheers of a crowd in downtown Beirut. The 24-year-old student, blogger and community organizer sports a calm smile, a keffiyeh scarf and a camera.
- Order #863 –Order #863
- Order #862 –Order #862
- Wood, Bruce
- Williams, Audra
- Bradshaw, Brett
- Wolfwood, Theresa