Search Results
Your search for found 22852 results.
- Dying from Improvement: Inquests and Inquiries into Indigenous Deaths in Custody –How does the settler state use the legal apparatus of inquests to justify colonialism?
- The Relevance of Islamic Identity in Canada: Culture, Politics, and Self –Book review
- Learning to Unlearn –Unlearning often reproduces the very patterns that the practice seeks to challenge.
- Khan, Nashwa –Nashwa Khan is living and learning in the Greater Toronto Area. She is an avid storyteller and lover of narrative medicine and public health education whose work has been published in the New York Times’ Room For Debate, Vice, and the National Post. Tweet @nashwakay.
- Ahmed, Tahia –Tahia Ahmed is a community organizer with a B.A. in political science from Simon Fraser University. She currently does research with the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women and is a founding member of Critical Muslim Voices.
- Shen, Anqi –Anqi Shen is a journalist, writer, and independent filmmaker living in Ottawa.
- Lucky, Shannon –Shannon Lucky is an IT librarian and digital humanist at the University of Saskatchewan. Her research focuses on how communities can use technology to support their information-based work. She has a particular interest in the arts, culture, and educational sectors.
- Doi, Carolyn –Carolyn Doi is the music and education librarian at the University of Saskatchewan. Her interests in community building and access to information have resulted in work with Librarians Without Borders, Radical Reference Montreal, and organizing Wikipedia edit-a-thons for women in the arts.
- Zak, Emily –Emily Zak is a freelance journalist based out of Santa Fe, New Mexico. She writes extensively on queer issues, and her work has appeared in Ms. Magazine, Bitch Media, and, among others.
- Rinaldi, Jen –Jen Rinaldi is an Assistant Professor in Legal Studies at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. She earned a doctoral degree in critical disability studies. Her scholarship takes up how medico-legal discourses mark bodies as abject.
- July/August 2016 –Why should social movements learn from experts? Assisted dying legislation and the disability rights. Pinkwashing Israeli and Canadian occupation. Building sustainable social movements for the long haul. An autoethnography of an eating disorder treatment that ignored the identity of a trans patient. How can libraries and archives be leveraged for…
- Special Labour Issue Call for Submissions! –We’re looking for content and art for our annual labour issue!
- Order #2994 –Order #2994
- Order #2993 –Order #2993
- Order #2992 –Order #2992
- Order #2991 –Order #2991
- Order #2990 –Order #2990
- Order #2989 –Order #2989
- Order #2988 –Order #2988
- Order #2987 –Order #2987