September/October 2016
The force of land defenders
How does suburban sprawl affect geographies of protest and dissent? Practising transformative justice in Black communities. Knowledge building is driven by the struggles of ordinary people. The force of land defenders in Nicaragua. Can visionary fiction build a future of justice? Food sovereignty on the land. Review of Freedom is a Constant Struggle (Angela Davis) and Keywords for Radicals (ed. Kelly Fritsch, Clare O’Connor, A.K. Thompson).
Inside This Issue
If Black Women Were Free: Part 2
Extractive Logics
Visions of the Future
Of Miners and Land Defenders
If Black Women Were Free: Part 1
Politics in Suburbia
The Intellectual Labour of Social Movements
Land and the Food that Grows On It
Keywords for Radicals: The Contested Vocabulary of Late-Capitalist Struggle
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement