December 2008
Saskatchewan rising
In our special focus on Canada’s most red hot (and easiest to draw) province, “Saskatchewan Rising: Dispatches from Canada’s Crucible,” Briarpatch sails a prairie schooner through a city of charlatans, assesses the folly of bargain-basement resource royalty rates, speaks with Naomi Klein about what the Left can and should do in the midst of yet another crisis, and celebrates the work of activists and visionaries building the foundation of a sustainable future.
Inside This Issue
Letter from the editor: a “curse of wealth” and a new leaf
Letter from the editor
Living behind the uranium curtain
Saskatoon’s green party
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Wall’s war on the working class
Disaster populism
Full steam ahead
The Shipbuilder, Dog River and other roadside delights
Little footprint on the Prairie