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Thank you!

With just over one week to go before the end of our fundraiser, we are thrilled to announce that have almost reached $25,000 in donations!

We are less than $600 away from reaching a huge goal. Your donations totalling just over $24,400 has confirmed that Briarpatch can, should, and will become a stronger magazine than ever before. Help us reach $25,000!

What have we been able to do with your support?

So far, we’ve been able to do three things that are crucial to the survival of Briarpatch:

1. Stay in print. Printing is expensive, but we now have a cushion to afford printing Briarpatch six times a year into the future.

2. Raise our contributor fees. We can increase pay for artists and writers by 50 per cent in time for the November issue.

3. Build our readership base! We have welcomed 111 new subscribers and 22 new sustainers.

Once we flew past our $15,000 goal within two weeks of our initial call out, we kept going, striving for $25,000. We’ve nearly reached that goal, and when we get there, we’ll be able to make some major changes:

First, you’ll be seeing a revitalized web presence. Second, we hope to double our contributor rates by November 2017.

These are big changes for a small magazine like Briarpatch. We want to improve your experience with our online content, and we want more people to discover the stories and art we publish so that our social movements can reach new heights.

We are committed to paying our writers what they deserve. Briarpatch has long been a labour of love, but we know that the capitalist world doesn’t barter in love. We need to do better by all of our contributors. The best way to ensure that we can continue to increase our contributor rates is by becoming a monthly sustainer of Briarpatch: sign up today to give monthly donations, and you’ll get an automatically renewing subscription!

We’re working on a better, fairer Briarpatch, and we’re proud and humbled to have your support. Thank you for having our back.