For a couple years, we at Briarpatch have been producing a second publication off the side of our desks: the Sask Dispatch, a fiercely independent news publication about our home province of Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan is a media desert – there are very few media outlets, fewer that are independent, and almost none that are explicitly anti-capitalist or anti-colonial. We wanted to build something that would defy the corporate media consensus in a conservative province.
Late last year, we ran a fundraiser for the Sask Dispatch – we told you if we raised $10,000 we’d build a new website, publish more reporting, and start an email newsletter. To our surprise and delight, we passed our goal and raised $10,800. Thanks to you, our new website is in the works, we’re preparing to publish some amazing stories, and last month we launched our e-mail newsletter. Newsletter subscribers get anti-capitalist, anti-colonial analysis of all things Saskatchewan delivered to their inbox every other week. So far, we've put out commentary on police brutality, a prisoners' hunger strike, long-term care homes, the overdose crisis, and more.
Our newsletter is still small, but it's growing fast. To help it grow, we partnered with Between The Lines Books on a giveaway for people who sign up to receive the Sask Dispatch newsletter.
What you can win
We have 20 copies of George Manuel's groundbreaking biography, Brotherhood to Nationhood, to give away. Charged with fresh material and new perspectives, this updated edition of Brotherhood to Nationhood brings Manuel and his fighting tradition into the present.
George Manuel (1920–1989) was the strategist and visionary behind the modern Indigenous movement in Canada. A three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, he laid the groundwork for what would become the Assembly of First Nations and was the founding president of the World Council of Indigenous Peoples. Authors Peter McFarlane and Doreen Manuel follow him on a riveting journey from his childhood on a Shuswap reserve through three decades of fierce and dedicated activism.
In these pages, an all-new foreword by celebrated Mi’kmaq lawyer and activist Pam Palmater is joined by an afterword from Manuel’s granddaughter, land defender Kanahus Manuel. This edition features new photos and previously untold stories of the pivotal roles that the women of the Manuel family played – and continue to play – in the battle for Indigenous rights.
How to enter
It's simple: to enter, go to saskdispatch.substack.com and sign up for the Sask Dispatch's e-newsletter. Everyone who signs up by March 8, 2021 will be entered to win one of the 20 copies!
Saskatchewan needs more independent journalism. But without the backing of corporations like Postmedia, we rely on your support to keep producing high-quality journalism that challenges the mainstream media consensus. To keep up with the Sask Dispatch's work, you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook or support our work by making a donation.