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- Stupid to the last drop –A book review of William Marsden’s, _Stupid to the last drop: How Alberta is bringing environmental armageddon to Canada (And doesn’t seem to care)_
- August 2008 –From an investigation of the impact of the Olympics on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside to an exploration of Buddhism’s looming schism, from an in-depth look at the confrontational tactics of anti-racist activism in urban Alberta to Derrick Jensen’s thoughts on the liberatory potential of despair, this issue of Briarpatch seeks out…
- Canada’s deadly secret –Book review of Jim Harding’s -Canada’s Deadly Secret: Saskatchewan Uranium and the Global Nuclear System_
- Letter from the Editor
- Healing begins when the wounding stops
- Stone by stone, rail by rail –What does the Mohawk cultural resurgence at Tyendinaga have to teach us about Aboriginal youth suicide prevention?
- “We can no longer be sacrificed”
- June/July 2008 –Starting from the belief that all Canadians bear a responsibility to work for justice in indigenous/settler relations, Briarpatch assesses the sorry state of this troubled relationship and the emerging prospects for change. From examining the genocidal legacy of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools policy to seeking an antidote to teen suicide…
- Letter from the editor –Canadians’ debt levels have never been higher, and widespread indebtedness, in addition to serving as an effective vehicle for transferring more wealth to the wealthy, also acts as a powerful means of social control.
- Weird money –Could alternative systems of exchange like the Saugeen Trading Community become valuable tools in localizing our economies and strengthening our communities? Could they work to democratize our economic exchanges by keeping money in local hands and out of corporate coffers? With unprecedented global imbalances, rapidly rising oil prices, the decline…
- Not in my name, not on my dime –In Canada’s current war in Afghanistan, however, most Canadians’ participation in the war is limited to the tax dollars they pay towards it. This makes it much more difficult for conscientious objectors to remain true to their convictions. A small but growing movement is seeking to change that.
- May 2008 –With Canadians’ debt levels at record highs and the U.S. economy in the midst of a massive housing/credit deflation, Briarpatch takes a sorely needed critical, radical look at the politics of money and debt in this issue. From exposing the spectre of diabolical materialism to offering “concrete” investment strategies and…
- Letter from the editor
- Das Crapital –While fighting plans for a mammoth big box store that would devour the small city he calls home, Don Sawyer discovers that a dangerous cult has spread from the heart of darkest Arkansas, jumped the border and brainwashed millions of innocent Canadians into its doctrine of diabolical materialism.
- Freedom 25 –Calvin Neufeld embraces the simple life in an effort to be debt-free by 26.
- Debt Cemetery –An exploration of the effects of the U.S. housing and credit crises
- Four reasons to get out of debt, nine ways to do it
- Parting Shots
- Strange bedfellows –What on earth is feminist porn, anyway? In an effort to answer that question, I tracked down Chanelle Gallant, the former manager of Good For Her and founder of the Feminist Porn Awards.
- Finding his better half –Men’s social conditioning takes a tremendous toll on not just their relationships, but also on their health. Those who want this to change, *Calvin Sandborn* argues, will have to come to terms with the concept of *patriarchy*-and with their own emotions.