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- Van Deven, Mandy –Mandy Van Deven is a freelance writer and founder of the Feminist Review blog. Her writing has appeared in AlterNet, Bitch, ColorLines, and Curve. She currently resides in Calcutta, India.
- Cruising the red meat district –Carol Adams’ _The Sexual Politics of Meat_ is an indictment of the gender politics inherent in a meat-eating culture. It’s also an indispensable resource for those who want to delve into the complex relationship between consumption, hierarchy and domination. With great clarity, Adams lays out the interconnectedness of meat eating…
- March/April 2009 –In this, our gender & sexuality issue, Briarpatch undresses the politics of adultery, flirts with the practice of polyamory, discusses the decriminalization of sex work, weighs the cost of transexual healthcare in Canada, investigates Nepal’s human trafficking epidemic and checks out Vancouver’s queer dance scene.
- Sex work and the state –Kara Gillies is a sex worker and activist who has been advocating for sex workers’ rights and well-being for the past two decades. She co-founded both the Canadian Guild for Erotic Labour and the former Toronto Migrant Sex Workers Advocacy Group. Gillies hosted a sex worker rights radio show on…
- January/February 2009 –There is perhaps no more politically charged issue today than food – how it is grown, who controls its processing and distribution, and who eats what — or who doesn’t eat at all. In our special issue focusing on food politics, Briarpatch casts a hopeful eye over the multitude of…
- Letter from the editor –From the outbreak of listeriosis in Canada to the eruption of food riots across the global south, from the eating of mud cakes in Haiti to stave off hunger pangs to the growing of Canadian crops to fuel our vehicles, there is perhaps no more politically charged issue today than…
- Koroluk, Glen –Glen Koroluk, Cathy Holtslander and Ian Lordon work for Beyond Factory Farming, a national non-profit organization that promotes food sovereignty and socially responsible livestock production in Canada.
- Sidik, Saima –Saima Sidik lives in Halifax, where she works in a biology lab at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography. Her favourite meal is bean and cheese burritos with a salad on the side.
- Steinman, Jon –Jon Steinman is the producer/host of Deconstructing Dinner, a weekly radio show and podcast heard on 32 radio stations across the country.
- Kazmierowski, Kaitlin –Kaitlin Kazmierowski works as a food policy planner and programmer in Vancouver’s downtown eastside. Food occupies roughly 87 per cent of her daily thoughts.
- Smith, Michael –Michael Smith is a community organizer who has worked on organic farms for several years in Ontario and Quebec. He loves cooking, especially with fresh, local, organic heirloom tomatoes.
- Magnus, Samantha –When she isn’t moonlighting for magazines, Samantha Magnus hosts news radio at the University of Victoria and leads fitness classes.
- Desmarais, Annette Aurelie –Annette Aurélie Desmarais teaches in the Department of Justice Studies at the University of Regina. She is the author of La Vía Campesina: Globalization and the Power of Peasants, co-published in 2007 by Fernwood Publishing and Pluto Books.
- Hernandez Navarro, Luis –Luis Hernández Navarro is Assistant Editor at La Jornada, one of Mexico’s national newspapers. He has co-edited, contributed to and authored 12 books on agriculture, peasants and indigenous peoples in Mexico.
- McBay, Aric –Aric McBay is an author, activist, and organic farmer. He lives near Kingston, Ontario, the prison capital of Canada. He’s active in prison justice campaigns, as well as other social and ecological justice issues.
- From the world’s breadbasket to the empire’s fuel tank –In the first half of 2008, Parliament Hill was the scene of a heated battle over the future of agriculture in Canada. The victor’s spoils: Bill C-33, an Act that would amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act to give the federal government the power to mandate five per cent ethanol…
- The small-print revolution –If you are like most people, you don’t wonder much about the foods you pick up at the supermarket. You trust that they’re as straightforward as meat and potatoes, and nothing you’re going to find on the labels is likely to change that.
- The activist cookbook –How to make five foods you thought you had to buy, how to can tomatoes, how to live without a fridge… and more!
- Genetic modification “inherently unsafe” –Jeffrey M. Smith is the Executive Director of the Institute for Responsible Technology and is an international bestselling author on the health risks of genetically modified foods.
- Feeding the world and cooling the planet –They numbered almost 650, from 86 countries and five continents, when they arrived in Maputo, the capital of Mozambique. They were delegates, support teams and special guests of the Fifth International Conference of La Vía Campesina, which took place from October 16 to 23, 2008. To reach Maputo, most of…