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- Haensel, Erik –Erik Haensel lives in Vancouver, where he is engaged in community building and media deconstruction. He is a voracious bookworm who is currently working on his first novel.
- Wong, Jessica C.Y. –Jessica C.Y. Wong studied carbon cycling in streams for her MSc research at the University of Toronto and now works as a freelance writer.
- Bellamy Foster, John –John Bellamy Foster is editor of Monthly Review and professor of sociology at the University of Oregon.
- Mossip-Balkwill, Dan –Dan Mossip-Balkwill has an undergraduate degree in environmental studies and philosophy from the University of Toronto, and currently works for Me to We as a youth facilitator in Toronto.
- Latta, Ruth –Ruth Latta’s most recent novel is An Amethyst Remembrance (Baico, 2008).
- Amdur, Reuel –Reuel Amdur is a social worker and freelancer living in Val-des-Monts, Quebec.
- Reitman, Anna –Anna Reitman has worked as an adult educator and administrator in Canada, Uganda and Afghanistan.
- Behrens, Matthew –Matthew Behrens is a freelance writer and social justice advocate in Perth, Ontario.
- Ogle, Deanna –Deanna Ogle works for a feminist legal organization in Vancouver. In her spare time she volunteers for a local women’s drop-in centre.
- Westergard-Thorpe, Alissa –Alissa Westergard-Thorpe is a member of the Olympic Resistance Network, and was an arrestee, witness, and complainant in police hearings into APEC and other political demonstrations.
- Benjamin, Chris –Chris Benjamin is a freelance writer based in Halifax. He has written fiction and features for VoicePrint Canada, Rattling Books, This Magazine, the Toronto Star, Z Magazine and others.
- White, Calvin –Calvin White is a B.C. essayist and mental health counsellor. His poetry book, We run faster with the deer, was published by Turnstone Press in 2001.
- Handa, Aruna –Aruna Handa is a philosopher who writes about food. She also lectures about food both formally, in university halls, and informally, in talks and in cookery demonstration classes. In addition to writing and teaching about the philosophy of food, she is collaborating with food producers on developing quality standards protocols.…
- Brown, Lorne –Lorne Brown is an author, a founder of the Waffle Movement, and retired professor of political science at the University of Regina.
- Kirby, Jane –Jane Kirby is a writer and aerialist who has been involved with several feminist and social justice organizations. She is the author of the book Fired Up About Reproductive Rights and currently lives near Kingston, ON, Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee territory.
- Lim, Elisha –Elisha Lim is a graphic novelist and author of the book 100 Butches (Alyson Books, 2010). Her comics have appeared in Xtra!, Shameless and No More Potlucks.
- Yalnizyan, Armine –Armine Yalnizyan is a senior economist at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and a contributor to the Progressive Economics Forum.
- Hutchison, Penelope –Penelope Hutchison is a professional researcher, analyst and writer living in Vancouver.
- Brière, Elaine –Elaine Brière is a Vancouver-based documentary photographer, filmmaker and writer.
- Oommen, Isaac K. –Isaac K. Oommen is a freelance journalist and writer, originally from Dubai. He traveled extensively through the Middle East and south Asia before settling in Vancouver. He blogs for and the Vancouver Media Co-Op.