Search Results
Your search for found 22852 results.
- Kirkpatrick, Anna –Anna Kirkpatrick lives in the West Kootenay region of B.C. She divides her time between library work, gardening and activism.
- Goodchild, Hayley –Hayley Goodchild is a PhD student in history at McMaster University. Her research and activist interests include food sovereignty, agriculture and the environment.
- Dávila, Claudia –Claudia Dávila draws comics and illustrates children’s books, focusing on her new graphic novel “Luz Sees the Light.” She lives in Toronto with her husband and daughter.
- Hussey, Ian –Ian Hussey is a PhD candidate in sociology at York University. He was the co-founding national co-ordinator of the Canadian Student Fair Trade Network from 2004 to 2008 and has been on the advisory board of United Students for Fair Trade since 2006.
- Berggold, Craig –Craig Berggold is a media artist and photographer. His films and videos have been broadcast on television and exhibited in festivals, art galleries and cinemas around the world.
- Boehm, Terry –Terry Boehm is a grain farmer in the Allan/Colonsay districts of Saskatchewan and president of the National Farmers Union.
- September/October 2011 –Our agricultural and food systems embody considerable potential for the powerful and the marginalized alike. Because it is essential to our very existence, those who control food control people. And when we reclaim control over these systems, we open up the possibility of asserting our power in other spheres as…
- Franzen, A. E.
- Peirce, Jen
- Walker, Norman G.
- Sandborn, Calvin
- Ismi, Asad
- Barker, Barbara
- Order #949 –Order #949
- Order #948 –Order #948
- Order #947 –Order #947
- Order #946 –Order #946
- Order #945 –Order #945
- Order #944 –Order #944
- Order #943 –Order #943