Search Results
Your search for found 22852 results.
- Lee, Damien –Damien Lee is a PhD student in the University of Manitoba’s Native Studies program in Winnipeg, where he is studying the resurgence of Anishinabe traditions of belonging and citizenship. He was adopted into the Anishinabe nation along the northwestern shore of Lake Superior at age 1.
- Hellquist, Gens –Gens Hellquist is a writer and editor for Perceptions, a gay and lesbian magazine based in Saskatoon.
- Gardiner, Gavin –Gavin Gardiner is a karaoke aficionado with a history in the student and labour movements. He currently works as the Senior Government Official for the Carcross/Tagish First Nation in southwestern Yukon and has also worked with Indigenous communities in Uganda, Boliva and Norway.
- Afuwa –Afuwa is a visual artist, youth art facilitator, and writer who uses myth and constructions of identity to question just about everything.
- Order #1115 –Order #1115
- Order #1114 –Order #1114
- Order #1113 –Order #1113
- Order #1112 –Order #1112
- Job posting: Editor/Publisher –_Briarpatch Magazine_ seeks a full-time Editor/Publisher to jointly oversee all aspects of producing a bi-monthly magazine.
- Order #1110 –Order #1110
- Order #1109 –Order #1109
- Order #1108 –Order #1108
- Community organizing –Those of us who are active in our communities, whether dealing with issues like homelessness or fundraising for a high school basketball team, have much to learn from the thoughts and insights of Joan Kuyek, whose experiences as a community organizer span some 30 years.
- Elliott, Jim –Jim Elliott is a life-long activist in community development and the environment living in Regina.
- Order #1105 –Order #1105
- Order #1104 –Order #1104
- Order #1103 –Order #1103
- Order #1102 –Order #1102
- Order #1101 –Order #1101
- Order #1100 –Order #1100