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- Prier, Nate –Nate Prier is a student, writer, researcher, and educator living, loving, and working in Toronto. He organizes with migrant justice, labour, and Indigenous solidarity struggles.
- Order #1458 –Order #1458
- Hussan, Syed –Syed Hussan is a Toronto based-activist, executive director of the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, and a member of the Migrant Rights Network. You can follow him on Twitter at @hussansk.
- Cohen, Nicole –Nicole Cohen is an assistant professor in the Institute of Communication, Culture and Information Technology at the University of Toronto Mississauga.
- de Peuter, Greig –Greig de Peuter teaches in the department of communication studies at Wilfrid Laurier University.
- Cuffe, Sandra –Sandra Cuffe is a freelance journalist reporting on Indigenous, environmental, and human rights issues in Canada and Central America.
- Conventions of labour –Labour movements were created by the collective dignity and expression of human beings who took risks and action against capital.
- Left behind –In the long term, the fate of CAW-unionized workers is going to depend on their ability to organize unrepresented parts and autoworkers. The wider the wage gap grows between unionized and non-unionized workers, the more concessions CAW autoworkers will have to endure.
- Constructed categories –If labour is imagined outside of wage work and governmental categories, it gives us the tools to further a more collective struggle against the living legacies of dispossession, colonization, and exploitation.
- ‘Right-to-Work’ legislation provides no rights and no work –Will the comprehensive changes to labour legislation that unfold in Saskatchewan be a model for right-wing parties across Canada?
- Revitalizing the Canadian labour movement –_Rethinking the politics of labour in Canada_ offers a sombre yet honest analysis of the current situation of labour politics
- Order #1448 –Order #1448
- Order #1447 –Order #1447
- Tragic yet hopeful tales of inner struggle and solidarity –_Rock Reject_ shares the chance to share the stories of the ghosts of Cassiar, tales of inner struggle and political solidarity that are tragic but ultimately hopeful.
- Fierce hearts –_Briarpatch_ books columnist Yutaka Dirks caught up with our creative writing contest judges to talk about the writing life and finding the balance between the personal and the political as an author.
- Order #1445 –Order #1445
- Order #1444 –Order #1444
- Order #1443 –Order #1443
- November/December 2012 –This issue of Briarpatch is about work. Our cover story takes a critical look at the growth of unpaid internships, which are fast becoming an obligatory rung on today’s shaky career ladder. First-time contributor Andrew Stevens looks at the threat of “right-to-work” legislation in Saskatchewan, once the home of Canada’s…
- Order #1440 –Order #1440