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- Khaikin, Lital –Lital Khaikin writes in and outside of Montreal. She is the author of Outplace (Solar Luxuriance, 2017) and a flight of objects that seemed real (forthcoming). Her writing can be found at 3:AM Magazine, continent., Queen Mob’s Tea House, Berfrois, Black Sun Lit, the Brooklyn Rail, and REDEFINE Magazine. She…
- Steen, Emma –Emma Steen got her BA in art history from NSCAD University and will begin her master’s in contemporary art history with a focus in Indigenous art history and visual culture at OCAD University this fall. Emma is currently working with the Inuit Art Foundation in Toronto.
- Order #7146 –Order #7146
- Order #7145 –Order #7145
- Order #7144 –Order #7144
- Order #7143 –Order #7143
- Order #7142 –Order #7142
- Order #7141 –Order #7141
- Order #7140 –Order #7140
- Gomez, Miguel –Miguel Gomez is an environmental activist, student movement sympathizer, and a professor of political economy at the Universidad Americana.
- Order #7137 –Order #7137
- Order #7136 –Order #7136
- The students of Nicaragua’s April uprising –The students of Nicaragua’s April uprising
- Order #7135 –Order #7135
- Student Summer Job: Publishing & Editorial Assistant –We’re hiring a summer student in Regina for July and August! Apply by June 24.
- Order #7133 –Order #7133
- Order #7132 –Order #7132
- Order #7131 –Order #7131
- Order #7130 –Order #7130
- Order #7129 –Order #7129