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- Just transition means returning Indigenous land – but that might look different than you think –When the weight of our entire imbalance crashes down on me, I remember that, through treaties, our ancestors planned for us to remain in our homeland through another apocalypse.
- Bending the arc of movement history toward a just transition –This is some of the history of the just transition movement, traced across Turtle Island through three decades of struggle.
- What’s in a just transition? –We convened a roundtable of activists from different movements to talk about what a just transition means to them, and what it looks like on the ground.
- “We need to begin protecting all of our territories” –Two hours east of the Unist’ot’en camp, Wet’suwet’en land defenders from the Likhts’amisyu clan are starting a new camp in the path of the Coastal GasLink pipeline
- Bridging the gap with Saskatchewan’s coal communities –As the Canadian government phases out coal, we set out to learn what a just transition could mean for Saskatchewan’s coal-producing communities
- This is what Indigenous energy sovereignty looks like –Just as Indigenous peoples are at the front line of climate impacts, we must also be at the forefront of climate solutions. This is where Indigenous Climate Action was born.
- Decentralizing climate justice in Halifax –Environmental organizations can sometimes act as gatekeepers of environmental work. In response, the Imagining 2030 Network is creating new connections in Halifax’s climate justice movement.
- Tarsands vs. treaty –The Beaver Lake Cree Nation is taking on the tarsands, arguing that they represent too much industrial development in the face of constitutionally protected treaty rights.
- Transition and resistance in the Global South –People in the Global South are least responsible for climate change historically but suffer most from its impacts. Here are four snapshots of struggles for just transition in the Global South.
- Unbordering –In this world, a world where many worlds coexist, there would be no forced migration, no mass extinction.
- Qu’est-ce que la décroissance? –Pour les partisans de la décroissance, il est urgent que nos sociétés rompent avec la course à la croissance économique avant que les limites biophysiques de notre planète ne nous imposent une décroissance forcée et brutale. Aujourd’hui, le mouvement fleurit au Québec.
- Décroissance –The degrowth movement calls for a radical downscaling of production and consumption, in order to save us from climate catastrophe. Today, the movement is blooming in Quebec.
- Degrowth vs. the Green New Deal –Unlike the Green New Deal, degrowth isn’t a policy platform – it’s more of a movement, or what participants call an “umbrella concept.” What would a conversation between degrowth and the Green New Deal look like?
- Confronting economic barriers to a just transition –I sat down with six economists to ask them two pressing questions: first, what are the biggest economic barriers to a just transition in Canada and, second, how do we overcome them?
- How will we pay for a just transition? –Should we rely on governments to provide money for the just transition, or can we build our own non-extractive economies?
- The climate crisis calls for a planetary politics –By this, I mean: a world democratic socialist republic
- “We can only glimpse our future reflected in our past” –Generations from today, a group of young activists sends a letter to a historian of the 21st century, hoping that she will be able to settle an argument about tactics. Her letter gives us a glimpse of what life is like in the 22nd century – after a just transition.
- Order #7826 –Order #7826
- Order #7825 –Order #7825
- Order #7824 –Order #7824