Search Results
Your search for found 22873 results.
- Guilty until proven innocent –Living on remand, it’s important to know how to fight for your rights when the justice system breaks its own rules.
- Why choose to live? –Surviving a COVID outbreak inside a federal prison
- Two poems from prison –No bullet, no sword, nor anything formed, / nothing short of a category 4 storm, / Could ever kill an Indian that’s immortal
- Death by a thousand cuts: Aging in Canadian prisons –Elderly prisoners need health care, not incarceration.
- On Therapeutic Community –Why punitive, coercive, and obedience-based drug treatment programs in prison don’t work.
- September/October 2021 –In our special Prison Abolition Issue, we asked prisoners across Canada and the U.S. to reflect on the question, “Can you imagine a world without prisons?” They write about surviving COVID outbreaks; unequal treatment of women and men inside; prisons as a tool of colonialism; the war on drugs and…
- Criminal code is the new buffalo –On reverse onus and colonial justice
- Prisons are built on our backs –The colonial economics of incarceration
- Fed up with being locked down –Prisons cause irreparable harm to the people inside them. Destroy the system before it can destroy more lives.
- Evidence of an unjust justice system –Governments criminalize poor people, and then allow companies to exploit prisoners’ basic needs for profit.
- How the Prison Abolition Issue came to be –Roughly 10 members of the editorial collective – comprised of Inreach and Free Lands Free Peoples members, and Briarpatch staff – have met every two weeks since April to shape this special issue.
- Order #13458 –Order #13458
- Order #13457 –Order #13457
- Order #13456 –Order #13456
- Order #13455 –Order #13455
- Order #13454 –Order #13454
- Order #13453 –Order #13453
- Order #13452 –Order #13452
- Order #13451 –Order #13451
- Order #13450 –Order #13450