June/July 2005

table of contents

Wal-Mart “greeters”

Twelve thousand Canadians show their disgust for Mal-Wart business practices

Wal-Mart: Always Low Principles!

Examples of the ways that this store is pressuring the retail industry into a race to the bottom

Sun Worshiping in Saskatchewan

by Terry White

Land of the Living Skies offers lots of free solar energy and communities are starting to tap into it

The Rise of Disaster Capitalism

by Naomi Klein

Just when we think they can’t sink any lower, they swarm like locusts over the areas devastated by the tsunami

Getting There With Care

by Catherine Verrall

Community groups and individuals team up to convince Regina to make a big (and green) move to provide affordable public transportation to those with the most need

Lines in the Sand

by John Sorenson

The Bush regime’s disregard for international law is being echoed in Ethiopia, threatening another devastating conflict

I Am Joe’s Liver

by Paul Beingessner

A disturbingly cannibalistic new use for our livers

Undercover Monitors

by Leisha Grebinski

Artist’s Voices

by Theresa Wolfwood

Briarpatch salutes the creative ways that our cultural workers bring our messages of social change to the people: Semsar Siahaan (1952-2005)

Culture and Reviews


Elliott on Powerdown

Wolfwood on Inside the Bottle

Wolfwood on Rosalie Bertell

Dubya Speak

George W. Bush’s partner, Laura, recently joked that she somehow met him in spite of the fact that she worked in a library

My Opinion

by Ivan Olynyk

Monarchy? No Thanks!

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